Cruisin, aka: Where have I Been and Where I’m I About to Go?

Wow it really has been a minute since I made a solemn 2024 “New Years Day Pledge” that I would be keeping, at the very least, this blog up to date. But life got in the way more than anticipated, or at least busy enough to sit down and write about it.

As I type this out in the wee small hours of Easter Monday, my phone is still charging on its wireless cradle, I’m embarking on my 4th week doing/trying the Carnivore diet, and I’m killing time until I jump on the red-eye train to Sydney Domestic airport for the first part of my first international cruise.

Along with a bunch of other interesting and positive developments in my life that deserve honourable mentions: I was able to break my dating dry spell, became an uncle for the 3rd time, I returned (if a little haphazardly) to the world of live streaming and content creation, and I visited Costco for the first time.

For the next 2 and a bit weeks I’ll be travelling by sea across the Pacific Ocean to the Land of the Rising Sun, which is technically New Zealand but there was a change of plans, so I’m going to Japan.

But back to the Carnivore diet for just a moment.

I had dabbled in this lifestyle before, but I had no idea how deep the rabbit-hole actually went (or how delicious the rabbit would be once it was caught, killed and pan fried) but the results and the various theories and testimonies speak for themselves. And the subsequent community around this way of eating and living has become almost like a second (or third) online family, right behind the Australian Cartoonists Association and the group of friends I occasionally play video games with on discord.

This time however I am more committed to staying on the wagon as my fitness goals have evolved from, to quote comedian Kevin James : “I just don’t want my stomach to jiggle when I brush my teeth” to “abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym” so far I’m pleasantly surprised by the weight loss results.

The cruise ship buffet will mark a for an interesting side quest when it comes to my carnie street cred. Either way life is about to take a very cool and amazing turn, so much so that I updated my cartoon avatar.

Until next time 🙂

Cartoonist Challenge 2024

As I was perusing my copy of last year’s ACA yearbook (which I was incredibly fortunate to be a part of given how busy 2023 was) and I missed my entry in the single panel gag cartoon, along with some other categories I normally feature my work in. So to ameliorate this oversight I’ve decided to go all out and “finish the unfinished” which is the current title of my live stream.